

之前再三看了如果愛﹐心裡有些許感觸﹐想寫一篇文章抒發抒發 。然而鍵盤在手﹐所有靈感卻不翼而飛﹐只來得及抓到零零散散的片段 。於是﹐在三段文字的末端留下了待續兩個字 。 但﹐我相信這個待續將無窮無盡地待在那裡 ﹐因為連我自己也不曉得還有沒有意思再續 。

今天還要談另一部電影﹐近期在中國大陸鬧得沸沸揚揚 。電影有很多名字很多版本﹐本地叫<無極> ﹑美國叫<鮮花盔甲的主人>﹑網上變了相叫<一個饅頭引發的血案>﹑現實上演的叫一場饅頭引發的官司 。前兩者乃中國名導陳凱歌的作品﹔第三者則是中國一個年輕小伙子胡戈的創意傑作 。胡戈將陳導的無極篡改成一個自娛﹑娛人的短片﹕的是普羅大眾﹐的是陳導﹐的自然也是陳導 。陳導花了將近三億 (只知道將近三億﹐忘了是什麼幣) 來拍這部電影﹐胡戈卻不費分文將之改成一部轟炸以及惡整陳導的短片﹐看在陳導眼裡﹐當然不是滋味 。而且﹐這部短片在網上的受落程度和下載量遠遠拋離陳導的無極 。雖然短片將無極滑稽和矛盾的部份暴露出來﹐但卻同時吸引了更多群眾到電影院去看 Original 的無極 。然而﹐一直高高在上的陳導怎麼受得了這般侮辱﹐於是便決定把胡戈告個頭破血流 。

這件事情在網上和坊間皆獲得很大的回響﹐但絕大部份都一面倒站在胡戈這一邊 。中國甚至有五六位著名律師挺身而出願意免費替胡戈打官司﹐個中因由不得而知 。而<英雄>的編劇也在 <鏘鏘三人行> 的節目裡表示陳導不應該那麼小器自傲 。當然﹐我不是順風耳﹐相信還有很多其他意見是聽不到的 。對於這件事﹐我也自然有自己的看法 ...

每次討論到侵犯版權的課題﹐我都會從兩大層面切開來談﹕一是法律 VS 經濟﹐二是創作者 VS 社會 。從法律的角度來探討﹐答案只有一個﹐那就是 guilty! 然而﹐法律是人訂的﹐人不是天平﹐也不是神 *1﹐定制的法律自然有很多漏洞或偏袒某一方 。舉個例子﹐曾經奴隸制在很多國家是許可的﹐但今時今日﹐許多地方的后人都紛紛推翻了前人所定下的奴隸法令﹐包括‘公正不阿’的美國 。一直在改善的還有許許多多對女性或少數族群不公平﹑不人性的憲法 。

一直認為有關版權的法律﹐在很多方面是極具爭議的 。比方說為什麼一些著名品牌﹑文學作品﹑音樂﹑電影或軟件擁有智慧產權﹐另一些卻沒有﹖為什麼我們不能抄襲NIKE牌子的設計﹐卻可以任意侵犯芙蓉的裁縫林大媽文良港的服裝設計師鐘亞狗的創作﹖為什麼某某某可以將大學出版的<我說說我>拿去複印而安然無事﹐但一旦被發現到複印的是張小嫻或 Dan Brown 的作品時﹐卻可能被告侵犯版權﹖為什麼余媽媽的魯肉秘方黃爸爸的影音錄像可以免費跟鄰里分享﹐大導演的作品卻必須討腰包去欣賞﹖當然﹐我們可以從專業和非專業﹑還有DD和SS的角度來闡明個中 (付錢看戲 ETC) 的因由 。但是一旦DD和SS無法達成協議﹐平民百姓採用其他途徑來欣賞這些 ‘所謂的高人’ 的作品時﹐為什麼卻必須揹負偷盜侵犯版權的罪名﹖

還有﹐某某智慧產權到底值多少錢也是高人一廂情願的定價﹐仿彿跟老百姓沒啥關係 。說穿了﹐智慧產權只是有權有勢或特別聰明的高人用來欺壓老百姓的一種文明武器 。它無形中讓高人更高﹑矮人更矮 -- 導致貧富懸殊的情況更加嚴重 。

所以嗎﹐就算盜版再猖獗﹐那些名設計師﹑歌手﹑明星的口袋不還是一樣盆滿缽滿 。他們常說那是他們辛辛苦苦打拼回來的血汗錢﹐難不成建築工人明哥搬運演唱會器具的粗工小劉路邊的小販阿卿嫂每天付出的勞力會比這些名人少﹖然而兩者的待遇差距有若天壤之別 。如果娛樂圈真的誠如諸位明星說的那麼難混﹐何不輕輕鬆鬆當個快樂的勞工去﹖如果明星的‘小康’生活真的被貧賤無知的老百姓剝削了﹐那麼干嘛還有那麼多人每天發明星夢﹐參加什麼什麼 Superstar 或什麼什麼 Idol﹖

其實﹐我也無意想要 hentam 這些名人﹐更不是因為妒嫉 (雖然寫的好像妒火中燒)﹐只是心裡有些許不平﹐因為我們常常聽到這些高人一味地在喊冤叫苦﹐卻不見民間有很多人日子過得比他們還苦 (很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多很多倍) 。只想告訴我們尊貴的高人們﹐有時候﹐事情不要做得那麼‘盡’ 。

欸﹗得停筆了 。單寫一個層面就拉得像潘金蓮的裹腳布那麼長那麼臭﹐如果繼續開炮﹐相信這個 Blog 會整個起來 。反正來日方長﹐有關版權的其他弊病﹐就留待下回分解吧﹗

*1 神是大公無私的嗎﹖那是另外一個具爭議性的話題 。

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Blogger pepC said...

I actually also watched the clip downloaded few days ago.

I nvr watched the ori one, so i do not know how real it is to make a comparison.After checked thru with a fren of mine who watched it b4, i noticed that tis clip really do hv similarity to the ori, which is also based on a 'man tou' as the story line.

Since tis is the 1st time i approached the clips, i found it is creative to turn the ori screen shot and edit it bcome a funny and criticism clips. It starts with headlines reporting. All the voice is recorded by himself, even if is a her voice(but actually is a man voice)and the real identity and role of each actor n actress has been modified into hilarious one.

I laughed at a few parts like the 'shen' answered the question and then 'ting' correct asnwered given. And later part, it warned us not to stay contact with those 'ppl' ..hahhaha..i found it funny.

Even though tis is jz sum kind of entertainment for me which i'll definitely deleted after watched, but i do appreciate and respect for the maker's effort. It takes times to edit, cut out the wanted screen, n type those subtitle and choosing background music, and of course the each and every dialog and the flow and connection of every screenplay. I solute him as he can think and came out such a funny way to critic the ori in this humour method.The story might not be meaningful to us but the ideal to come out is a new approach of criticism. Anyhow, I'm not so familiar with those law and copy right things..may b by doing this, he will end up to face a lot of unwanted issue but i think he actually do no harm as tis is jz an entertaining clips.

I've watched his others masterpiece as well, from the matrix modified into sum kind of 黄牛票stuff like tat..quite funny also.

2/26/2006 11:00:00 pm  
Blogger W said...

i thought u went to watch de movie with ahmei and hanloon? Didn't u?

u did watch his other creation?
what website? worth watching or not?

2/27/2006 12:38:00 am  
Blogger pepC said...

No. They went silently without me.But i din mentioned tat i wana watch tis movie since day 1 after the trailer. Coz got 'layu lemon' which i dun like.

2/27/2006 10:55:00 am  
Blogger pepC said...

i accidentally noticed frm the BT web also one la..last time when u introduced to me, I failed to locate them. So tat day, accidentally saw the title flashed thru, so quickly click n download. The others of his clips are included in the one i chosed to download. U can c those details when u choose which one to download, dun jz choose 'man tou' only lo..i think Matrix is his favorite.

2/27/2006 11:00:00 am  

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