近期有點忙﹑卻又很矛盾地有點懶﹔但生活起居沒多大轉變﹔而且再忙﹐還是會忙裡偷閑 。這週末去逛日本文化節﹐但是到了 Sentul West﹐什麼日本玩意兒都沒有﹐除了很多很多的鯉魚﹑幾個賣日本料理的攤子和讓人心曠神怡的怡人景致 。我躺在 carpet 般的草地上﹐赤腳走路﹑翻筋斗﹑蕩鞦韆﹑在艷陽底下淋花灑 。
有時候﹐覺得自己有病﹐而且病得不輕 。所幸跟我一起的人都很大方﹐常常體諒我的輕狂無知﹐偶爾也會跟我一起瘋 。瞧﹐我們又玩蒙面超人的游戲了﹗循眾要求﹐這次刊登彩色照片﹗開心了吧﹖﹗
有時候﹐覺得自己有病﹐而且病得不輕 。所幸跟我一起的人都很大方﹐常常體諒我的輕狂無知﹐偶爾也會跟我一起瘋 。瞧﹐我們又玩蒙面超人的游戲了﹗循眾要求﹐這次刊登彩色照片﹗開心了吧﹖﹗
Labels: 王子出游
You are the blue shirt guy? :D
How come the three toes in the middle are all of the same length one? :D
People with toes like that are very few, very easy to identify in real life lar. ;)
“...three toes in the middle are all of the same length﹐people with toes like that are very few“
According to my medical textbook, people like that usually can 發大财 one, when you become a millionaire, please remember us.... :D
Greenpasture﹐according to my maths textbook﹐
發財 = 工作 + 橫財;
工作 = 努力 + 野心;
橫財 = 賣馬票 + 賭博;
WAY = 不賣馬票 + 遇到王先生和新年才小賭 + 懶惰 + 甘于平凡;
遇到王先生和新年才小賭 <> 5/365 = 0.0136;
所以﹐發財 = 0 + 0.0136 + 0 + 0 = 0.0136;
所以﹐GP = 慢慢等
哈哈﹐有人自動請纓了﹗(應該還有很多人想排隊吧) 那﹐歐陽發大財﹐when you become a millionaire, please remember GP﹗
Just remember?!
做麼要 remember﹖﹗
是啰,Just remember?!
做麼要 remember﹖﹗
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