

大約一星期前﹐我收到了 flooble 的警告信﹐說 chatterbox 已荒廢一段時日﹐可能面臨關閉的危機﹐除非有人上去留言﹕

...we have noticed that there has been no postst to this chatterbox lately. It is part of flooble policy to delete chatterboxes that have fallen into disuse.Therefore, unless something is posted to your flooblechatterbox, it will be deleted shortly.If you want to avoid having your chatterbox deleted, simply go to the webpage where you have chatterbox installed, and post something to it...

...you will only get it once, and the chatterbox, together with your profile will bedeleted in a few days...

我心想一直以來﹐也只有 bumptaro 曾在上面留言﹔近期﹐大家也都莫明其妙地不見蹤影了﹔而我﹐如果為了保住 chatterbox 而自己上去留言﹐又好像很無稽 。反正東西留在那兒閑著也是閑著﹐沒啥作用﹐倒不如直接刪除掉﹐來得乾淨利落。


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