
And De Oscar Goes To...

奧斯卡頒獎典禮終於在美國新舊派系的喧譁爭吵中劃下完美 (﹖﹗) 的句點﹐成勣幾乎和賽前的熱門預測吻合﹐沒多大的驚喜﹕Reese Witherspoon, Philip Seymour, George Clooney, Rachel Weiss 各憑演技抱走一座小金人 。唯一遺憾的是﹐縱然斷背山在美國掀起了不小的思想衝擊﹐但還是敵不過保守派的抵制和衝擊效應﹐飲恨奧斯卡金像獎最佳影片 。

守在電視機前長達四小時﹐靜靜地等成勣一一揭曉﹐真的有點無聊﹕除了演唱電影主題曲﹐沒其他表演﹑主持人的風趣幽默 (﹖﹗) 有點不知所以然﹑得獎者的感言也平平無奇﹑最可恨的是﹐不想他得獎的人得獎了﹐希望它得獎的電影卻扛龜 。 還有﹐老姨還是一如往陪公主領獎﹐奧斯卡果然是有跡可尋 。

整晚唯一暴冷的竟然是最佳影片 -- 最不想它暴冷的獎項﹗他媽的 # XY * %ㄅ◎☆∞♂♀ψㄘ﹗﹗﹗真是豈有此理﹗外界也對此成勣議論紛紛﹐甚至認為這是奧斯卡史上最大的暴冷﹕

LOS ANGELES - "Crash" pulled off one of the biggest upsets in Academy Awards' history, winning best picture Sunday over the front-runner "Brokeback Mountain."

東森新聞﹕「衝擊效應」爆冷門擊敗「斷背山」﹐拿下今年奧斯卡最佳影片大獎﹐「衝擊效應」何以能贏過「斷背山」﹐在奧斯卡落幕後掀起廣泛討論 。洛杉磯時報認為﹐因為奧斯卡評審選擇這個「最完美的避風港」﹐滿足自己的良知和道德感 。路透評論認為﹐今年奧斯卡打開同志主題電影的櫃子﹐但是也迅速關上這道門 。

「斷背山」改編劇本家麥克莫特崔在會後就說﹐「或許真正的事實是﹐美國人不想見到牛仔是個同志 。」

路透引述華盛頓郵報6日的評論說﹐「影迷和關心政治的人﹐今天凌晨會爭論一個問題﹐奧斯卡最佳影片給了衝擊效應﹐是否真的因為該片的實力﹐還是這只是影藝學會的推拖之詞﹐不把這個獎給斷背山 。」

「衝擊效應」導演哈吉斯拿下最佳影片的小金人後表示﹐「我們還在弄清楚是不是真的得獎了﹐我們沒人料到(得獎)﹐但是我們有一個小小的期望﹐今年是好萊塢肯定那些打破成規者的人的一年 。」

李安在後台被問到﹐斷背山沒能拿下最佳影片的感想﹐以及同志議題是否成了得獎障礙﹐李安說﹐「我不知道﹐你們問了一個我不知道答案的問題 。」

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Oscars opened the closet door to gay-themed films but shut it almost as quickly.

"Brokeback Mountain," the much-ballyhooed favorite about two gay cowboys, won best director for Ang Lee on Sunday but stunningly lost the best picture prize to race drama "Crash" ... ...

The victory for "Crash" suggested Oscar voters were more comfortable with a tale that exploited the seamy underbelly of racial conflict in contemporary Los Angeles than with a heartbreaking tale of love between two married men.

"Perhaps the truth really is, Americans don't want cowboys to be gay," said Larry McMurtry, 69, who shared an Oscar for best adapted screenplay with Diana Ossana for "Brokeback."

No overtly gay love story has ever won a best picture award and, as of Monday morning, none has. The big question going into the Oscars was whether Hollywood, often in the forefront of social issues, would break another taboo.

"Film buffs and the politically minded will be arguing this morning about whether the Best Picture Oscar to 'Crash' was really for the film's merit or just a cop-out by the Motion Picture Academy so it wouldn't have to give the prize to 'Brokeback Mountain,"' said Washington Post critic Tom Shales.

Los Angeles Times critic Kenneth Turan saw "Brokeback's" failure as a sign that Hollywood was not yet ready to grant the topic of homosexual love mainstream respectability.

"Despite all the magazine covers it graced, despite all the red-state theaters it made good money in, despite (or maybe because of) all the jokes late-night talk show hosts made about it, you could not take the pulse of the industry without realizing that 'Brokeback Mountain' made a number of people distinctly uncomfortable," he said, adding: "So for people who were discomfited by 'Brokeback Mountain' but wanted to be able to look themselves in the mirror and feel like they were good, productive liberals, 'Crash' provided the perfect safe harbor" ... ...



Blogger pepC said...

u can go to sleep liao..haha.

3/06/2006 04:30:00 pm  
Blogger pepC said...

Halo, tat's d usual style of A* la.

Now only u feel so 'bo tat' n angry with sumthing which there's a strong entities behind the curtains which controlling the result in the order THEY want it to.

In the movie u dun like n starin by the one u dislike but won one, tat is how i felt abt THEM. In the movie, u still can choose to believe tat THEY got sumthing to do with which benifits their pocket mz(talkin abt monetary issue 1st, of course involvin the power of monopoly/control), but in real life(take d oscar case), THEY r tryin to protect THEMselves to define n maintain THEIR pureness soul n mind n being the mz perfect in THEIR own mirror. THEY refused to accept the truth of G*Y in the community, n especially tat it actually has begun so long time ago.

3/07/2006 09:30:00 am  
Blogger W said...

Yalor, just wanna fat-lo-so sikit. Or else, what to write?

Actually, I have watched the other version of CRASH few years back. De story is also about a racial issue caused by an accident. But, if I'm not mistaken, it isn't a Hollywood movie.

3/07/2006 10:58:00 am  
Blogger pepC said...

I've not watched "Crash" yet..will watch with Mei when she's back tis s/break.

I've watched all those nominated film thru the trailer at oscar.com

3/07/2006 08:37:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

如果不以奥斯卡各外围赛及评论来做标准,最佳电影的所谓爆冷, 我还算可以接受啦!
纵然整部戏有刻意有煽动之嫌,但这也很见人见智。就如那些保守派攻击李安技巧性地美化了同性恋一样。。。 所以前者用了强烈的表现手法 而后者则用了悠柔的呈现方式,谁也没比谁占优势~
个人评戏的标准其实很简单。就是要有思考空间和能够感动人心。(基本上所有的经典艺术品都至少具备了以上两点)很难得的<CRASH>和<BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN>都让我流下眼泪,也启发了我对一些事情的看法。。。 真的只能说,两部都好~ 当然身为黄皮肤的我,也希望<断背山>能获胜。 唉~ 要怪,就怪它之前的走势太强, 评价太高了。树大招风,让评审们对它的要求和期望过高,也造就了人们喜好搞反对的变态心理!!!

3/07/2006 08:52:00 pm  
Blogger W said...

Pepc, cinema gor show CRASH meh?
De topic and de cast seem interesting, espeacially compare to de one I watched.

3/07/2006 10:39:00 pm  
Blogger W said...

當然﹐我寫這Blog﹐非以電影實力的角度出發﹐純粹憑個人喜好﹐因為題名 AA 最佳影片的電影﹐我只看了0.04部﹐哈哈﹕下載斷背山﹐看了前面五分鐘﹐因為承受不了它的慢節奏﹐就直接把它刪除了。也許哪天有空﹐再下載來看。

我一直認為能題名的﹐必有一定的實力﹔得不得獎﹐除了個人實力﹐還得靠人緣` 運氣等等等﹐因為藝術﹐包括電影的評價﹐本來就是很主觀的事情﹐誠如我希望F.H.封后﹐不想G.C.得獎那樣。






「我不知道﹐你們問了一個我不知道答案的問題 。」


3/07/2006 11:21:00 pm  
Blogger pepC said...

"Crash"-DVD bought by Mei one la.
Cinema, dunno which yr, which mth only will show...



3/08/2006 10:16:00 pm  
Blogger winterwhale said...


3/08/2006 11:14:00 pm  
Blogger W said...


3/08/2006 11:49:00 pm  

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