
Blog Day Special

8月31日﹐當馬來西亞的夜空開滿一朵朵璀燦的煙花時﹐世界各地的部落客們也忙著為部落格年度盛事 -- Blog Day 籌謀﹗22 號便開始招生的 部落聯誼營火會 如預期般反應冷淡﹐11 個被點名留字的超級粉絲和半幽靈粉絲當中﹐只有美麗的雲呼吸的七四七碧綠荷塘做出回應﹕

呼吸的七四七 說﹕
“ 开心的时候﹐徒步来到 喂,飞了
沮丧的时候,漫步来到 喂,飞了
无所事事的时候﹐踱步来到 喂,飞了
可以畅所欲言 。
波音747 伴着 喂,飞了

碧绿荷塘 說﹕
“ 来到这里﹐嘴角就会飞了 。

于是﹐我给这里取了个名字﹐叫 “废” 墟 。
笑着﹑笑着﹐打从心里佩服Way少的创意 。

“废” 墟里有的是他的心血 。
早在偷偷逛丽云的书轩时﹐就逛到这里来了 。
当时﹐只是偷偷地逛﹐没有留下任何痕迹 。
后来﹐决定现身 。

鬼点子多多的 “废” 墟主人打交道 。 ”

“ 從當初收到 way 的 “英雄帖” 開始﹐

彷彿見證一個認真的朋友如何用心地經營他的部落 。

都可以讓人感覺他的在乎 。
他的感性文筆卻又讓人心疼於一種孤寂的落寞 。

快樂與不快樂之間﹐真的往往只是一線之差 。
我相信﹐人總是有好多情緒、有雙重甚至多重性格 。
變臉大師不必為此自嘲、自卑甚或自傲 。
不快樂了﹐就抒懷發發牢騷 。
想要憂國憂民﹐也可以 …… 都可以!
沒有任何人規定﹐寫 Blog 一定要迎合任何人口味 。
寫 Blog 本來就是要自在的 。不是嗎?

除了三位熟客﹐早前在營火會現身的新朋友也有三位﹐當中 Han Loon 應該算回鍋肉﹐Frankie 也有前科﹐只有 文鋒起吾 是處女下海﹐他說﹕

“ 部落格日和國慶日同一天﹐有獨立的味道 。
愛上寫部落格和看別人的部落格﹐確實和 “獨立” 有關﹐
因為自由﹐但又帶有一些責任 。

但某一種程度上也要自律和為自己的言論負責 。

但也要以尊重和責任為大前提 。
但下一個部落格日不知道是否還這么自由 。

己有蠢蠢欲動的跡像 。

介紹完嘉賓們的回應後﹐也是該響應 Nir Ofir 的號召﹐為您介紹幾個精彩的部落格﹕


★ 在這裡﹐每一張照片都說著一個動人的故事﹗

★ 如果您和我一樣喜歡世界音樂﹐那你絕對不能錯過這個部落格﹕在這裡﹐所有人類最原始的音符將幻化成一段段的文字﹑一張張的照片呈現在您的眼前 。

Cognitive Daily
★ 身為心理學天字第一號發燒友﹐我怎麼可以漏掉這個讓我又愛又恨的朋友 -- psychology﹖在這裡﹐你可以了解人類思維的構造與運作﹗

看电影 · 非主流的世界电影之旅
★ 他們把所有流動的畫面凝固成平面的文字﹐然後﹐再放送到您的視窗 。

這四個部落格是我透過聯播和 Technorati 搜索的﹐分別以不同的領域 (照片﹑音樂﹑電影﹑心理學) 出發﹐各選出乍看之下還蠻像樣的代表 。老實說﹐我也只是走馬看花而已﹔精不精彩﹐還得靠諸位看官告訴我﹗Nir Ofir 為 Blog Day 介紹新新部落格的游戲設定了好些條規﹐由於時間緊逼﹑能力有限﹐我省略了一些步驟 。最重要的是我寫得開心﹐你也悅讀愉快﹗
Happy Blog Day and Selamat Hari Kebangsaan, Malaysia!

**有空順便讀讀 部落聯誼營火會Blog Day 2006 ﹔可以的話﹐也順便留留言﹗

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Blogger SpinTheGlobe said...

Hey Way!
Thanks for the link and your comment on SoundRoots. I'll assume you're saying nice things here, since I don't read Chinese (at least not yet). Viva world music!

dj earball

8/31/2006 11:41:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I came to your blog because I saw your comment left in other blogs. I noticed you are a wise commentator, I was quite impressed by your comments under various circumstances. People like me often leave the wrong comment, and I have a lot to learn from you. So I came here.
I was a bit frightened when I read your post about the poor broadband connection. At first I thought you had a wife, and you were telling the whole world how she refused to sleep with you. I thought what sort of blog have I linked to myself? Then there was a big relief when the name streamyx was mentioned. Haha.
Enjoy reading many of your articles. You have posted at least twice about your conflict with the virtual world. I share that conflict. I think it's good to remind ourselves of that.
Happy blogging and may all of you who have been a bit down or busy or looking for tau hwa luck find rest and peace and love and may the friendship continue.
Thanks Way for all your writing.

8/31/2006 02:42:00 pm  
Blogger W said...

DJ earball, it's just a brief introduction about your blog.
Anyone here like to translate that two phrases for me?

GP, thanks for the compliments! Actually, I have much to share about your articles in your blog, but, I always drop by, saying nothing, cause writing in English has been an obstacle for me! I'll have to "kill many brain cells" to leave a short comment at your place. Anyway, hopefully, it can helps me to improve my 'cengkerik', that's why I try not to write in Mandarin at your place...

9/01/2006 12:46:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With such a corrupted and incompetent government in power now, who want to celebrate the 49th national day? We should mourn the beginning of the death of Malaysia instead.

To Pak Lah and all others, please wake up! Enough is enough! If you cannot perform, please go and let other able men to take over, it is so simple. But where to find able men from this bunch of BN joker ministers?

Umno will never learn nor accept the truth, their only concern is: Power is money - money is power. They will never walk the talk and will never admit the wrong they had created.

When the country has been hijacked by a political party for its top members, waving the country flag is like waving the party flag. I will not do it.

For some reason, I don't feel like flying the flag too. It is like I am not even proud to identify myself a Malaysian - knowing how bleak the future of our nation with our current leaders and those "heir apparent".

The socio-political mood in the country has not changed much from a decade ago. What a shame! (They are plunderers, lowlifes, cheats……….yes!)

We cannot trust politicians to take proper care of the country and its ordinary people. Let us draw a line here and learn from our past mistakes and move Malaysia forward together.

Independence? What independence! We were freed from the British 49 years ago. But we were ruled by apartheid-typed leaders from our own Malaysia, which I think is worse.

These are all bull shit. We do not need to accept all this Umno shit. Let them fight among themselves. One day, there will be a new story and another a newer one through the wits of reckless creatures aiming for the adulterous seat. The country has no place for these hooligans who do not have Malaysia in their hearts.

I just hope that it is not too late before general election comes. Voting to a certain extent is still a passive role. We need to rekindle the same love for Malaysia as our forefathers.

The racial and religious tensions in Malaysia have to get worse first before getting better. Some things have to the wall hard first before most people come to their senses.

If the "leaders" of the day have the political will, then the situation may be remedied to a certain extent. Unfortunately none of them do, as they have selfish and vested interests. We are heading for this wall faster than ever.

9/01/2006 11:11:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem in Malaysia is, we shouldn't have independence from British at very first place. How nice it will be if Queen appoints someone calibre person in Malaysia like Satyanand. God Bless Malaysia!

No need to look so far. Even our neighbour down south has an Indian for a deputy prime minister.

Man, don't forget the same southern neighbour is also having an Indian as president. Not for a single term. Now he is on his second term as president. This is called transparency!

The so-called unity in this country is very much superficial. There are only two reasons why it appears this way to the outsider.

1. Anyone that says anything about the Umno-malay deems racial will be thrown to jail under ISA.

2. As general, people appreciate the harmony and peace in this country. Especially with all the terrorist attacks and wars all over the world.

As for a reason a true "Malaysian" race will not happen, there is only one. As long as the discrimination and separation of "bumis" and "non-bumis" exist. People will be automatically very conscious about their ethnic race.

The logic is simple, the more discrimination, the more conscious about their place in society and the more conscious about protecting the benefit of their ethnic race.

Once this "bumis" and "non-bumis" status is abolished and everyone is equal, citizens will automatically merged into one Malaysian race.

The cause is that Malaysia and Malaysians still prefer to have race-based political parties to rule this country.

Then, what you get are politicians who gain power using race-issues, and politician-wannabes like the upstart son-in-law playing dangerous claptrap racial politics to be in the limelight.

In a multiracial country like Malaysia, where Malaysians political maturity is just out of infancy, Malaysians become easy suckers and convenient victims of dangerous racial politics, including the manifestation of keris-wielding dramatics in public by minister come from these race-based political parties.

Initially three main component parties in BN were formed to show British that we, as the citizens of this land are unite and we want and can be independent.

After the 513 incident and the introduction of NEP, the focus of each party changes to protect benefit of the race that represent under the segregation "bumis" and "non-bumis" status.

To me, Pak Lah focus on wrong direction, he is more like a "ketua kampung" than a prime minister. Prime minister should focus on making the country strong and able to compete internationally, and let the real "ketua kampung" worry about asking people to be polite, etc.

Can anyone blame those dissolution people for not flying the flag on independence day? To me, there is really nothing to celebrate about. We seem to be worst off in terms of racial polarization with each passing year.

9/01/2006 11:13:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you expect from our local universities? Ivy league breeds? Come on!

Who the hell are we kidding? We are a plain joke to the world - look at the current issue regarding monkeys harassing others in UPM or whatever university its named after - these monkeys are worthless dogs.

And guess what was their punishment? Let off with an advice……….hahahahaha. We are really in a sad state - damn sad state.

The reason why Malaysians are leaving for overseas education is plain and simple. Our system is fraud with the biasness, fraud from the get go.

All in the name of bullshit policies. Come on……….if you want the best of the best breed - don't look at the person heritage etc - look at their work.

Now who is running the country better? The Malaysians or the Singaporeans? These Singaporeans have beaten us in terms of cleanliness, economically, efficiency, financially, hospitality, productivity, religiously……….

Need I say more?

9/01/2006 11:16:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Indonesia, there are Indonesian Muslims, Christians, Hindus. In west Asia, there are also Arab Muslims, Christians, and even Jews. But in Malaysia, malays must be Muslims to be called malays.

Religion, especially Islam, is very effective in controlling the minds and thoughts of a people, and makes it easy to govern them.

However, still most Muslim malays are such a embarrassing and disappointment themselves by practising intense racial sentiment. Very very very few are open minded, and most of these good hearted malays are from educated priviledged and motivated background.

Too sad the leftover Muslim malays are hypocrite rubbish and will always be rubbish.

It is easy to blame malays (for whatever issue) since there are just too many examples out there for the minorities to exploit. Yes that holds some truth to it, so let us forget about the useless racist uneducated malays. Let us examine the 'smart' malays, the new breed malays.

When a smart malay who had the opportunity to get great education (e.g. from Oxford), uses racial sentiment which is a very cheap way to get around pleasuring own's nipples across the political arena, is not that another example of typical malay? Just that in this example it involves a new breed malay, the smart one.

Again, I am rude but these are real.

Every single person born in this Malaysia should have the same equal rights.

If the Muslim community want to respect Islam, they should give the right and protection to the non-Muslims. Not the other way round. For Islam is fair and is beautiful. It is the racist card players who changed the rules and adopted racism as part of their agendas.

It is not true that outside Malaysia the migrants have lesser rights than those living in Malaysia. This is a fallacy and you know it. Migrants are mistreated in Malaysia more than in other countries - go check your facts.

Umno racist sympathizer yet trying to sound reconciling - no constructive comments - all sound as if Umno racist is the one that deserve the chance and have the ability to fix……….all others opposition party are useless!

You expect us non-malays to just accept unfair justice, racism or corruption for 50 years and keep quiet about it? Thank God, he did not create robots. Humans are retaliate, free to belief and choose - ask Umno racist to do its best to block freedom - watch the fall out!

The world is looking at Malaysia - the decision is simple and against human freedom will have to face God and the world too……….one day!

As many have correctly pointed out, Malaysia is the only place in the world where there is institutionalised racism (NEP defined apartheid).

I guess any person who has followed closely developments in Malaysia can already see the brain drain from our country……….so I will not elaborate.

For your information, a large pool of overseas talents and professionals are from Malaysia or was once Malaysians. I even have a fellow PhD colleague pioneering technologies for NASA at MIT, just because they gave him a scholarship. He was rejected straight away by UM of course.

At least in overseas, talents are valued, appreciated, and given a fair go as opposed to the semi-oppressive and exploitative nature of NEP (and its spin offs).

Equal rights for every citizen of Malaysia and that is how it ought to be. The malays seem never enough to be satisfied with they have - such an inferior race with lack of intelligence.

The Chinese, Indians and Malays fought for independence from the British together. Malaysia is born from the strength of Chinese, Indians and Malays. In American or Indonesia, they obtained their independence in a different way. So please don't compare with the rest of the world.

History teach us that the first inhabitant of Malaysia come from China Yunan. The malay originated from the Polynesia. Malay history start from Parameswara who escape from Indonesia and settle in Melaka. During his time, Laksamana Cheng Ho visit Melaka seven times.

Melaka need the protection of the China from the invasion of the Siamese. Without Cheng Ho, there won't be malay history, instead you have Siam history.

Mass influx of Chinese and Indians was during the rule of the British. That was before the creation of Malaysia. Today we have Malaysia, who can claim to be 'tuan'?

God save all of us.

Indeed the real bumis are the Orang Asli, they too are migrated from other places many many hundred years ago!

By the way, if Islam is so tolerable, strong and beautiful, why in Malaysia apostasy is not allowed? If this is a worry, then it only shows how weak Islam is!

I pity Malaysian Muslims, you probably are the least free people in this world! Even Indonesian Muslims are allowed to practice apostasy when they become adults!

9/01/2006 11:18:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't you see, it is all back to square one. Year in, year out, some talk for half an hour, some one, some two. Some sing, many belt out their most recent released 'pantun'.

After all. Malays are good at that. Suggestions after suggestions, some good, some impossible to realize.

But, do you see any of these materialised? Hardly. Why, why and why??? Because the malays can never change. Never! Why?

The leaders forgot or were it they simply didn't want to admit and address that the actual disease is the malays and the remedy itself is also, the malays. They can never change. What is it about the malays?

Firstly as you all know, they are a lazy species. Since the beginning of time they have been like that. Even the encyclopedia called them as lazy people. I think those British with their accent tried to call them 'malas', and if you put 'y' in, it becomes 'malays'.

Embracing Islam make them a worse lot. Now they have a license to kill anything that gets into their way.

Malays are ungrateful lot. In reality, they just can't live or open their minds for others. When Mahathir said that they are complacent, they put him in jail. When Mahathir encouraged them to learn English language, they got angry with him, saying it is a 'bahasa penjajah'.

When other races 'maju', they got angry with them too. That was why at the end of Mahathir his regime, he said this, "I have achieved greatness as a prime minister, but I only fail in one thing, changing the malays."

Well, nothing to be surprised about anyway since Mahathir is not really a malay, and I guess that was why the malays were angry with him.

Last but not the least, if only the malays be that of PAS or Umno don't mix politics with religion. Remember, you can't serve two masters, one will surely outweigh the other. No, you can only achieve balance and stability in heaven, not here on earth.

9/01/2006 11:21:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malaysia is a secular state. It was so when we attained independence in 1957 and it is still so, today. To say otherwise, is absolutely nonsensical.

These problems and confusion were all brought about by none other than our prime minister of 22 years - Dr Mahatir. He is the culprit and if the country suffers in any way as a result of what is taking place today - it is all due to his incompetence and arrogance.

He was a dictator in his own right and made many questionable decisions that has brought about upheavals amongst the various races. The non-malays cannot accept an Islamic state per se.

All they want is to be left alone to practice their faith in peace. The Muslims can go about and follow the true teachings of Islam and likewise practice their faith in peace as well. This is all there is to it.

Why then do they insist on wanting to use the term Islamic state now when they know pretty well that it was not one at the time independence was obtained! Let the status quo remain as it was.

9/01/2006 11:22:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you if you think our Malaysia government tolerates criticisms. ISA is for what? But I do concede that our government is now marginally more open and transparent. Unfortunately, after so much hype, spin and noise, fighting corruption is on hold. And promises made for elections remain unfulfilled.

I am not so concerned about Singapore. They have their own way of dealing with and solving problems. Basically, their leaders are mercantilist in outlook, driven by an obsession for survival. But we seem to concentrate on things that are not substantive. So I cannot help but notice that Singapore is doing important things that work. They are good at what they do because they are very focused and think strategically.

If the crooked bridge goes through despite the various comments it will become a sad symbol of what Malaysia really is: beauty before utility, emotion not common sense, theory not practice, the elected before the electorate, "say what you like our mind is made up". The stupidity of it all; a bridge is more than to connect two points, it narrows the differences.

Our Malaysia public transport system sucks, those stinking rickety buses of decades old are still on the road, and we are talking about pride? Pride is when you can keep your own house and compound clean, not forgetting our toilet which I believe must be clean enough for one to able to sleep in, in an event of an emergency.

Pride, what pride are you talking about? With all the first world infrastructure and third world mentality that we have, right now you are talking about pride which gets us nowhere?

We all know the reasons behind those hypocritical moves on both ends of the causeway and why they aren't telling. I know the 2nd link is underutilised, it does not make sense why the unneeded expenditure which can be better utilised to improve quality of life for its citizens.

Come on so much for all those decades of bickering and caustic remarks hauled at each other across the causeway; both representatives of Malaysia and Singapore government should sit down and think rationale and ask themselves, do we really need a crocked bridge after all? It is always the case when you have a fight with logic and emotion, emotion will win every time!

Saudi Arabia was once one of the world's wealthiest. Now it is in a bad shape. It is insolvent and insecure. What will it do without brother USA! Singapore has no natural resources, yet it owes nobody anything. Our Malaysia national resources should be managed intelligently, otherwise we will be owing everybody everything. Think ahead, less politics and more economics, please.

We Malaysians are quite a frustrated lot. It appears some remarks have riled you up. You would want to talk about the traffic jam down south Johor but I am more keen in the government resolving the "madness" in the KL. You see what I mean? It is a matter of priorities. Agreed that we have different sets of priorities. I have more to talk about? And the list is endless.

Why is the government so hell-bent on building a bridge when there are other more pressing issues? I am sorry about this but my mind seems to think that a number of them will lose their "cut". What else am I supposed to think in a land noted for corruption and plundering?

What happens if Singapore does not construct its portion of the bridge? Are you going to drop into the sea? The desperate and unconvincing attitude of our Malaysia government has given the Singapore government, even for cynical reasons, a tremendous opportunity to twist our arm?

Can't you see that? Well, the "rent-seekers" would be laughing all the way to the bank but we may be left with a bridge that hangs in the air - or in the balance? As usual isn't it?

Yes, we are a frustrated lot and trouble is most of us have short memories come election time! Then the monkeys take over with no sense of priorities. At the rate they are going, we might even have to "sell" our Twin Towers if anybody wants it.

9/01/2006 11:24:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The minister post is not jinxed. The fact is that whoever is put in that post will not be able to function at all from day one due to two conflicting agendas:

(1) Umno agenda - party first, malays second, churning out graduates (regardless of quality) third, and non-malays last.

(2) University agenda - enrolment via meritocracy, independent courses and thoughts, knowledge and learning, useful to society - in all equally important or whatever order of priority.

Sadly, we all know that (1) and (2) cannot co-exist. So, whoever is put in charge is bound to fail. The system is designed to ensure failure. Period.

9/01/2006 11:27:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have relatives in Australia, Europe, and the United States.

Let me detail the experience of my family members in the West:

1. Equal job opportunities at all levels expect probably the highest post but today even this is changing. Look at the recent appointment of an Indian born lady as the CEO of Pepsi Cola.

2. Equal opportunity to be elected as dean or vice chancellor of universities. Some of the heads of top universities in the US are Chinese or Indians.

3. Equal opportunity to enter universities for all courses including medicine.

4. Equal rights for all citizens unlike Malaysia where recent Muslim immigrants from Indonesian and Pakistan have been given more rights compared to non-Muslim Malaysians whose ancestors arrived in the country some 300 years ago. This is religious apartheid.

5. No differential prices for houses.

6. Scholarships based on either merit or need and not on creed, race or religion. In Malaysia, a malay Muslim has a better chance of getting a scholarship compared to a non-Muslim from a poor background.

I am a Malaysian born before independence and educated at a local university and have served the government much longer than some political (PM) wannabes.

I am saddened and very distressed to see how far the country has slid down over the past three decades. Due to corruption, excessive politicking and faulty policies, the country is gradually heading for the direction of Argentina, Indonesia and Philippines or even worse.

I fear that we have now reached a point of no return. Only the oil reserves are buffering us from a more rapid descent. But for how long! Then the crunch will really bite.

Please have your parachutes ready when the great crunch finally arrives.

9/01/2006 11:28:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

USA, UK, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Italy, Germany, France, etc - What make them different from Malaysia?

Why are they successful, well most importantly they practised meritocracy system and secondly they don't have law that discriminate against skin colors or religions or minorities.

Sorry facts are facts. Sorry in spite of all, you malays still cannot compete. By the way - you are so wrong that we Chinese do not look towards China.

Where there is money to be made, and where we can improve other Chinese well being be it Malaysian Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese etc, we are looking towards it. You bet. The next world is not Malaysia, a tiny little dot in this world.

Where opportunities exist, we look elsewhere just like Singaporeans they are going everywhere.

If you are to do a study among all Muslim countries, the level of development will be directly proportional to the level of Islamisation of the country.

Just do a study - you will know the fact. The reasons are so obvious why this is so. I do not want to elaborate here to hurt the feelings of Muslims but I mention just two:

- they sidelined the women.
- how many Muslims nations are in deep religious based wars?
- plus many other activities against productivity.

You cannot have it both ways. Live in this world or live in the after world. There is time only for one.

This is why I see very bleak future for Malaysia the way it is heading - the day when we 'Talibanise' Malaysia.

Our constitution does not say we are a secular state. But by the same token, nowhere does it say we are an Islamic state either.

A country can be Islamic but yet remain secular in government. Turkey, Egypt and Algeria are prime examples. As long as the constitution remains the supreme law of the land, we are an Islamic country but a secular state.

All these are really non-issues as long as everybody sticks to the original game plan.

Look at it one way, it seems like they want to keep the NEP because they are taking advantage of perks and curbs keep the Umno linked filthy rich

First of all, the NEP has no goodwill towards the non-malays. They think that the non-malays are rich and can afford to run overseas because of the drought of local university places available?

This is another fallacy. Truth is a lot of the non-malay parents have to work their asses off, keeping a small unit family, just to use all their savings to finance education overseas because local opportunities are not forthcoming and not available.

Malaysia lose a lot of talent in such a way, especially when the NEP has indeed made certain non-malays very competitive on the global scale. For these people having been successful overseas and given a fair go at the opportunities, they will think twice to come home to adversity in Malaysia.

And that is a fact. Do you know that we lose almost 80% of our local talents to the US, UK and Australia every year! Go check the emigration records. Do you know that the Malaysia contingent is the largest oversea students in Australia, and almost 100% that succeeds takes up Australia PR and citizenship?

That is exactly the formula used by many progressive countries including the US, UK, Australia, even China.

These countries have policies that stress both the affirmative action to aid the poor and complement it with an emphasis on high standards, including robbing other countries of their human capital by enticements such as international scholarships.

So I can't understand why it is not palatable or applicable to the malays! Why lay back when you have the world as a challenge.

The failure of the various Malaysia communities to integrate is not because there is no common language, but the ill will festered by the outmoded communal politics that Umno Youth seems to want for perpetuate, the NEP, and the lack of Malaysia kinship (e.g. one race want to be tuan).

It is only nature that human beings and animals learn more from failure than success. So, be prepared for a soul cleansing in the next 10-20 years in Malaysia.

Yes, the one common denominator is that they are all not Muslim countries. Even among Muslim countries, the less that Islamization is the focus of national existence, the better off the society from a social, political and economic standpoint.

That is why Turkey used to be relatively better off in various aspects compared to other Muslim countries but this has been starting to change recently.

Hate to say it but yes, obsession with Islam is anathema to progress, peace, economic well being and political stability.

9/01/2006 11:31:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In fact they do have a Chinese lord mayor in Australia, Do you realised that? The world most livable city, Melbourne, the lord mayor in Melbourne is John So.

He was born in Hong Kong, he emigrated to Australia when he was a teenager, he can't speak good English yet he became of the lord mayor based on his ability and love towards the country, and he was the chairman of Commonwealth Games 2006, do you still remember what is Commonwealth Games 2006?

And Australia cheers for him when they mention his name in the stadium, and there are artists composed a song called "John So, My Brother" for him too, well you keep saying your Umno is goddess treat other races good, and other country they don't give a shit.

What health minister what transport minister n Malaysia, I don't give a shit because all I see is our country is getting worst you know that!

And would you mind open your eyes and stop using your Taliban method of asking someone to quit country if they have a free speech here, you such a big bully.

If you never did what we said here, why do you afraid of it. Prove to us you are innocent, not by shutting this board. We are humans you can't shut us just like that, you thought we are the cows in the farm? Put us in the cage?

You are too naive man, you are just simply dumb. No wonder Malaysia still a piece of Bolehland but it is empty!

For us who already in overseas, you know what! Because of us - you guys heading to zero. Even when you want to emigrate you need to reach certain education level and certain standard before other country accept you.

And of course you got to prove your ability to compete with other people in other country - you hear that compete with other people, they don't say compete with other races.

Umno blah……….continue yah, I don't like it, I won't stop you. And if you don't like we here talk about it, then don't read. It is barely about basic human rights, freedom of speech! Think about it - it is time to use your brain to filter things and think.

I enjoy my life so much here in Australia, at least there are equal opportunity and I travel overseas every year because I have spare cash. And to be a bloody cheap designer here, we simply earn more than what you have in your 10 years salary, what do you have, bloody malays?

9/01/2006 11:33:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't waste your breath. They BN steal the country blind, they strike deals amongst themselves so that all of them can stick their hands into the country's till, then they fight amongst themselves when one group doesn't get to steal as much as another group.

Then to divert attention, they blame the Chinese. The Chinese parties are told, "Hey, don't worry, all this is for show only, you can continue to feed off the crumbs from the table." and the circus continues.

They announce programs to help the poor, then they take them away through robberies like medicine labeling. They own private hospitals, so it is in their interests to let public hospitals deteriorate.

Make no mistake about it - the hardcore poor are still mainly from one race, and unfortunately they are being conned into voting these thieves back in at every election.

49 years of independence? It is more like 49 years of growing independence for Umno selfish and unilateral ambitions for one community. And 49 years of deterioration for the MCA and MIC into mere puppets in the BN.

MCA and MIC are no more effective in defending the rights of the minority communities in Malaysia, as they are easily overpowered and silenced by Umno every time there is am interracial issue.

A vote for MCA or MIC is effectively a vote for Umno. It is better for MCA and MIC to leave BN, in order to represent their communities more effectively.

Wahoo! MCA Youth demands "apology" from Khairy from playing the racial card. Excellent leadership it may seem but wait a moment………They are saying that they have always been obedient and servile to their master (Umno) and now their loyalty is been doubted.

MCA is one of the main reasons for the systemic problem prevailing in Malaysia. So don't bloody pretend you are able to stand up for meritocracies.

With the increasing arrogance, greed and selfishness of Umno, with the MCA and MIC relegated to puppet status, less than a few percent of non-malay taxpayers money return to their own community.

Almost all of non-malay taxpayers money goes into projects that benefit and enriches the malay community. This is set to worsen in the years to come. BN is a racist party and does not deserve any support from the non-malays for all the injustices it has done to them. Off the soapbox.

49 years, we have our independence from the British. But think about it more intensely. Are you sure that we have really got our independence!

At the beginning, Tunku had led us to the independence. But after that era, The Umno who inherited power from Tunku turned around and form the new breed of "colonial master".

In the name of various beautifully sounding policies. The new colonial master is more interested to channel goodies into its own exclusive elite members. Except for some miserable spillover, all really deserving poor irrespective of races hardly receive any thing.

The problem is most people think joining the opposition is a suicide and we should just become always contain and feed the lion and its herd so we might not be eaten.

Young educated Malaysians must now rise up and be responsible to our country before things go out of hand! If we can't criticise our government and they are always in a state of denial - change them - nothing to lose.

9/01/2006 11:35:00 am  
Blogger 呼吸的747 @ 747 is breathing said...

GP, you thought he got a wife? muahahaha ...you shouldn't read that post when you first visited him, luckily he mentioned the word Streamyx at the end, or else you would have to cabut cepat-cepat ..

9/01/2006 11:45:00 am  
Blogger W said...




9/02/2006 12:55:00 am  
Blogger 呼吸的747 @ 747 is breathing said...



9/02/2006 10:23:00 am  
Blogger W said...

你的說法有點讓我不好意思答腔﹐哈哈﹗乖巧的應該是我吧﹐我們家有 PENGKHUSUSAN﹐我是文官﹐我弟弟是武將﹗

9/02/2006 11:19:00 am  
Blogger 呼吸的747 @ 747 is breathing said...



9/02/2006 01:27:00 pm  
Blogger W said...




9/02/2006 02:36:00 pm  
Blogger 碧绿荷塘 said...


9/02/2006 05:01:00 pm  
Blogger W said...


9/03/2006 05:10:00 am  
Blogger 碧绿荷塘 said...


9/03/2006 05:10:00 pm  
Blogger W said...


9/03/2006 06:08:00 pm  
Blogger 碧绿荷塘 said...


9/03/2006 11:09:00 pm  
Blogger 呼吸的747 @ 747 is breathing said...


9/04/2006 04:20:00 pm  
Blogger W said...

看你们几时有空过来吃 SATE 啊,可怜可怜我这个没车的穷人!


荷花小姐可能有兴趣,可惜她人家苏州 (苏州不是属于江南一带吗?)

9/04/2006 11:53:00 pm  
Blogger 呼吸的747 @ 747 is breathing said...



9/05/2006 10:09:00 am  
Blogger W said...

Ok, gua tunggu you!

9/06/2006 03:47:00 am  

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